# Sensilet API

# Table of Contents

# Methods

# sensilet.isConnected()


Note that this method has nothing to do with the user's accounts.

You may often encounter the word "connected" in reference to whether a web3 site can access the user's accounts.

sensilet.isConnected(): boolean;

Returns true if the sensilet is connected to the current chain, and false otherwise.

# sensilet.requestAccount()

sensilet.requestAccount(): Promise<string>;

Use requestAccount to connect use wallet. It returns a Promise that resolves to the result of the RPC method call.

# sensilet.exitAccount()

disconnect account

# sensilet.transferBsv()

Initiate Bsv transition

# sensilet.transferSensibleFt()

Initiate SensibleFt(token) transition

# sensilet.getBsvBalance()

get the Bsv balance of user

# sensilet.getSensibleFtBalance()

get the SensibleFt balance of user

# sensilet.signTx()

sign for transition

# sensilet.signMsg()

sign for string data, you can